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KYC & Identity Verification for Global Businesses

GetID is our all-in-one identity verification service that streamlines your customer onboarding process, ensures full regulatory compliance and reduces fraud. Try it now!

  • Document Verification
  • Face Matching
  • Liveness Detection
  • AML Screening (PEPs and Sanctions Lists)
  • Age Verification
  • Proof of address
KYC and identity verification process

Trusted by

RYANAIR logotip Admiral markets | admirals logotip DECTA logotip

What we offer

Modern software that helps you automate your KYC process. The service includes a collection of necessary checks, end-user interface customisation, an administrative portal, and a metrics dashboard.

Shield and lock

Stay compliant and mitigate fraud

Adhere to global and local regulations. Use reliable access to the most authoritative data sources. We support:

  • 800+ PEP & Sanctions lists
  • Adverse media monitoring data
  • 1.6 million complete and detailed PEP profiles

Be secure already at the data collection stage. Make sure the documents provided are authentic and the selfies are real.

Clock and arrows

Global reach and fast results in real-time

Easily onboard customers worldwide. We support:

  • 8000+ ID Documents from 223+ countries
  • 80+ languages
  • Latin & Cyrillic fonts
  • Diacritical symbols

Detailed reports and intelligent analysis help you make fastercustomer decisions.

User and camera

Fast, easy and secure integration

Whether you’re an SMB or an enterprise, GetID provides you with all necessary tools to:

  • set up a preferred verification flow
  • customize the design of a user journey
  • integrate across all platforms in the shortest time frame.
Hands and currency

Increase operational efficiency

GetID verification platform enables you to automate the verification process and reduce your compliance team’s workload.

  • 60 seconds to verify a customer
  • 95% pass rate on the first try
  • Statistics dashboard for better visibility and control

The Admin portal’s intuitive interface is easy to use and allows KYC & compliance teams to effectively handle big numbers of requests.

Ready to get started?

We’ll ensure the smoothest setup and integration.

The complete toolset for Identity verification and KYC online

ID Documents Verification

Verify user identities and documents in a matter of moments for quick customer account opening and risk mitigation. Save time and reduce operational costs.

  • 8000+ ID Document from 223+ countries and territories
  • Advanced OCR for precise data capture and extraction
  • Document Authenticity Checks by skilled experts

Flexible and secure software that can be easily integrated into your workflow.

Make front side photo

ID card Estonian
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Make front side photo

ID card Estonian

Make a selfie

Check circle

Face Matching Service

Make sure the customer’s selfie is matching with the customer’s photograph in the uploaded identity document.

  • State-of-the-art detection technology powered by AI
  • Instant result

If your KYC process requires selfie matching, you should connect to this service. Using artificial intelligence and the latest detection technologies, the system will determine the biometric parameters of the customer’s face and provide the result within one minute.

Liveness check

Ensure that the customer is the same live person as indicated in the identity document being verified. For that, the customer has to perform several actions on camera.

  • The most powerful anti-fraud tool
  • Verification results are recorded and can be extracted for further usage

Add another level of security to prevent fraud. Onboard more honest customers with confidence.

Liveness check

Face with closed eyes

Close your eyes

Security customers check

AML Watchlists Screening

Easily manage the risks, perform Customer Due Diligence, and follow the best security standards. Check your customers’ profiles across:

  • 800+ Sanction lists
  • 1.6 million complete and detailed PEP profiles

Your KYC officer can use this information if the customer verification process yielded a negative result.

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Proof of Address

Make sure that the person lives where they claim to live by checking acceptable PoA documents: utility or mobile phone bills, bank statements, governmental correspondence and others.

The service includes:

  • Easy uploading of different documents
  • Instant recognition and extraction of important data
  • Detailed report with photo evidence
  • Reports are delivered to your system

Real-time address verification takes only a few minutes for the client.

Cable bill check

Make front side photo

ID card Estonian

Make a selfie

Liveness check

Face with closed eyes

Close your eyes

Powered by GetID

Check circle

Please ask verification results at your service provider web page.


How it works

Verify users in a matter of seconds with a simple one-time 3-step customer verification process:

  • Step 1

    User photographs their ID from both sides

  • Step 2

    User takes a self-portrait with their smartphone camera or webcam

  • Step 3

    User performs some simple movements for liveness detection purposes

  • Done!

    User is verified, onboarded and ready to go

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What our clients are saying

  • Telexoo

    This is a service that gives us absolutely what we need. The integration is fantastically fast. GetID is just a great find...

    Michael Desforges
    CEO of Telexoo

    Read the case study
  • Rentoza

    GetID has helped us to get rid of potential fraud within our system and create a robust process to ensure that we minimize fraud in our base...

    Mishaan Ratan
    Chief Marketing Officer and Co-founder

    Read the case study
  • Paymix PRO

    GetID is a solution that gives value for money...

    Noel Bartolo
    Chief Compliance Officer & MLRO

    Read the case study
  • UK Tax returns

    GetID’s interface is simple and straightforward: a good balance of simplicity and complexity. It is great for both the developer and the person who knows very little...

    Jose Baptista
    Partner UK Tax Return

    Read the case study
  • E. Gulbja lab

    The GetID [identity verification] platform has provided us [E. Gulbja Laboratorija] with the functionality that we needed. GetID understood our needs and provided...

    Valdis Gavars
    Software Developer & IT project manager at E.Gulbja lab

    Read the case study

    GetID’s document verification solution has been seamlessly integrated into our onboarding process for new customers. The extensive capabilities of the API...

    Valērijs Bikovs
    Head of Internal Automation Department

    Read the case study
  • Telexoo logotip

    While even more important we have been able to open up new countries as a result of our ability to successfully verify clients from countries where previously we...

    Andreas Ioannou
    Head of Global Compliance at Admirals

    Read the case study
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An all-in-one KYC software at your fingertips

Manage your processes and collaborate seamlessly with team members with an easy-to-use dashboard that gives you complete control, wherever you may be.

  • Verification results and status overview
  • GDPR-compliant customer data storage
  • Real-time monitoring
AML and KYC example
Seamless integration example

Seamless integration with your business ecosystem

A range of set-up and integration options to fit your UI/UX:

  • Mobile identity verification

    Mobile SDKs
    Highly-customisable iOS and Android SDKs built on native tech stack for a seamless onboarding experience.

  • Web identity verification

    Web SDK
    Ready-made solutions for automated onboarding with fast set-up and easy configuration.

  • Cloud identity verification

    Cloud-based verification page
    Send a link to customers and get verification results instantly in your Admin Panel or via webhook.

  • API solutions

    API integration
    Integrate our KYC and customer verification solutions into your platform, collect data you need and get the results via API.

Easy-to-use KYC software with no-code integration

KYC Flow Builder Poster Play button

GetID KYC flow builder helps you automate and personalise online KYC and identity verification procedures according to your company onboarding process and specific regulatory requirements.

  • Select the necessary document and identity checks for your process
  • Customise the form fields in an intuitive editor interface
  • Modify/customise the visual appearance to suit your brand-specific style
  • Easily integrate our software into your website, application or entire customer system
Learn more

Ready to get started?

Let us know what solution you are looking for. We’ll make sure to provide the best possible offer!
