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Identity Verification for Crypto Industry

Automate KYC validation for faster and more cost-effective customer acquisition. Provide a secure space for transactions of any cryptocurrency with the newest software.

Crypto Industry

Used by

  • Crypto Wallets
  • Crypto ATMs
  • DEX’s*
  • Crypto Funds
  • DAaps
  • ICOs**
  • P2P exchanges
  • Mixers
  • Mining pools***
  • Custodial wallets
  • Crypto payment-processors

Online Identity Verification

AML/CFT compliance rules for cryptocurrency platforms are an issue of risk and high costs for businesses.

Governments of all countries impose strict rules for the cryptocurrency market, customers demand clear and verified procedures.

The key to successfully solving this problem is an automated system with fast response times.

GetID provides due diligence, giving customers the best user experience.

  • Building

    AML compliance
    Comply with local and global regulators (FATF, FINMA, FCA, CySEC, MAS, FSA). Local and international regulations often get updated, with GetID you will always stay compliant.

  • Watch

    KYC and onboarding automation
    Fast and cost-efficient solution that helps you automate the KYC/identity verification process. Speed up the registration and access time to your platform features.

  • PC Settings

    Easily set up multiple verification flows
    Verification flows for high- & low-risk countries and jurisdictions with different regulatory requirements.

  • PC Security

    Fraud prevention and data security
    Don’t let bad actors and fraudsters through the gates. Make sure that the documents provided are authentic and valid. And processed data is stored in accordance with GDPR policies.

We help Crypto organizations to follow the global and local AML KYC regulations

Explore the solutions that will enable you to verify and onboard customers wherever they are.

ID Documents Verification

Verify and authenticate ID documents at scale and in real time.

  • ID cards, passports, drivers license, residence permits and 190+ countries supported
  • Document authenticity check
  • Automatic Data Extraction
  • Fast and accurate results in real time

Make front side photo

ID card Estonian

Make front side photo

ID card Estonian

Make a selfie

Check circle

Face Matching

GetID is utilizing AI technology to verify a customer’s identity.

An algorithm compares a portrait from ID document photo with a selfie-picture and makes sure that they both belong to the same person.

Liveness Check

Add another level of security to prevent fraud. Liveness Detection ensures that the users are “live” by asking them to complete a task on camera (smiling, blinking or turning their head).

This prevents users from fraudulently submitting pre-recorded videos, 3D masks, etc.

Liveness check

Face with closed eyes

Close your eyes

AML Watchlist

AML Watchlists

Protect your business and reputation using risk-based approach. Check your customers’ data globally against 11+ million screened profiles.

  • PEPs (including relatives and closed associates)
  • Sanctions Lists
  • Adverse Media
  • Ongoing Monitoring
  • Global coverage
  • Continually updated data

Admirals Case

Admirals is the leading provider of financial solutions for the European securities market. The company serves over 30 thousand people a month from more than 130 countries.

The company has introduced automatic customer identity verification and the results have been impressive.

While even more important we have been able to open up new countries as a result of our ability to successfully verify clients from countries where previously we did not have such an option.

Head of Global Compliance at Admirals

Сompany has implemented automatic customer identity verification and as a result:

Decrease time -90%

reduction in customer verification time

Bar Chart +40%

increase in customer conversion rates

Read the case study
KYC Flow Builder

KYC flow builder

Fully customisable KYC software with no-code integration. The powerful and flexible tool for developers to quickly customise the verification process, customise the data collection forms according to the brandbook and integrate into any platform.

The online KYC/identity verification flow builder is available through the GetID administrative portal, which can also be used as a user-friendly working environment for KYC staff and compliance teams.

Administrative Portal

Cloud-based software with full access to verification results. Easily navigate and control your KYC and onboarding process at one place.

  • Detailed view of verification results
  • Secure storage of customers’ personal data
  • Fully GDPR compliant
  • Real-time updates
  • Verifications’ status history
Administrative portal
Seamless integration example

Seamless integration with your business ecosystem

A range of set-up and integration options to fit your UI/UX:

  • Mobile identity verification

    Mobile SDKs
    Highly-customisable iOS and Android SDKs built on native tech stack for a seamless onboarding experience.

  • Web identity verification

    Web SDK
    Ready-made solutions for automated onboarding with fast set-up and easy configuration.

  • Cloud identity verification

    Cloud-based verification page
    Send a link to customers and get verification results instantly in your Admin Panel or via webhook.

  • API solutions

    API integration
    Integrate our KYC and customer verification solutions into your platform, collect data you need and get the results via API.

Are you ready to get started?