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ID Document Verification

Verify ID documents online in a matter of moments. Get fast and precise results. Speed up customer identification and authentication. Protect your business from identity fraud.

ID Document Verification

Supported Documents

  • ID card

    Online verification of ID cards, passports, driver’s licenses, residence permits. Over 7000+ document types supported.

  • Symbols Marks Accents

    Recognition of Latin and Cyrillic scripts and diacritical symbols / marks / accents.

  • 223+

    ID Documents from 223+ countries and territories supported.

  • 80+

    80+ local languages supported.

Supported documents

How does ID Document Verification work

Automatic recognition of document type using OCR, MRZ features and document barcode scanning. Fast processing with accurate results.

  • Technical flow
  • End-user flow
Technical flow scheme
  • Document Check
    Step 1

    Document Data Capture

  • ID card
    Step 2

    Document Data Extraction

  • Document Authenticity
    Step 3

    Document Authenticity and Validity Check

  • Verified Document
    Step 4

    Document Verified

Document Authenticity Check

  • The document is compared against the official template rules
  • MRZ is checked for accordance with the document type
  • MRZ is decoded and compared with the data extracted from the document
  • Extraction of additional security features like the signature, photo, ghost portrait, QR code and barcode
  • Visual authenticity checks by human ID experts
Document Authenticity Check

Where ID document Verification is needed

Explore the applications of Document Verification for remote client onboarding and user verification.

  • Customer Onboarding / Account opening
    Focus on onboarding more customers while we focus on automating the onboarding and verification process.

  • AML KYC Compliance
    Document Verification is an integral part of a successful KYC process. Verify customers’ documents in real time and meet regulatory compliance requirements.

  • Age Verification
    An easy way to verify users’ age in age-restricted industries. Protect your business reputation and don’t let underage users access age-restricted products.

  • Fraud detection and prevention
    Don’t let bad actors and fraudsters through the gate. Make sure that provided documents are authentic and valid.

ID Documents Verification - Advantages of GetID

Take the advantage of using GetID document verification platform. A complete solution with global coverage for effective fraud prevention and fast customer onboarding.

  • Time with arrows

    Fast and accurate results
    OCR technology ensures quality data capture and precise data extraction from an ID Document.

  • Increase in efficiency

    Reduce operational costs
    Automate the Document Verification process while customer onboarding. Reduce the operational costs by decreasing the manual workload.

  • Customize workflow

    Customize Your Workflow
    Personalize the verification process flow by adding Face Matching and Liveness Check for fraud prevention. ID Document data can be simultaneously screened against AML Watchlists.

An all-in-one KYC software at your fingertips

Manage your processes and collaborate seamlessly with team members with an easy-to-use dashboard that gives you complete control, wherever you may be.

  • Verification results and status overview
  • GDPR-compliant customer data storage
  • Real-time monitoring
Software Example
Seamless integration example

Seamless integration with your business ecosystem

A range of set-up and integration options to fit your UI/UX:

  • Mobile identity verification

    Mobile SDKs
    Highly-customisable iOS and Android SDKs built on native tech stack for a seamless onboarding experience.

  • Web identity verification

    Web SDK
    Ready-made solutions for automated onboarding with fast set-up and easy configuration.

  • Cloud identity verification

    Cloud-based verification page
    Send a link to customers and get verification results instantly in your Admin Panel or via webhook.

  • API solutions

    API integration
    Integrate our KYC and customer verification solutions into your platform, collect data you need and get the results via API.

Are you ready to get started?