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Identity Verification service for Telecom

Verify customers’ identities for fast and secure remote onboarding. Detect and prevent online fraud. Stay compliant with local telecom regulations.


The Best Solution for Telecom

MNOs and MVNOs face identity fraud Every day!

By its nature communication products always were and will be abused by criminals of every sort and, even with the development of advanced security measures, it is practically impossible to prevent 100% of fraud cases.

GetID offers a reliable solution that can instantly improve the effectiveness of the subscriber onboarding process by making the use of fake IDs practically impossible!

Vending POS & OTA product delivery automation

Reach more clients without growing your operational budget! GetID Know-Your-Customer automation platform dramatically improves the onboarding process making it available online 24 hours, seven days and round the year!

COVID-19 global epidemic has changed the way people live everyday life

Social and physical distancing is essential aspect nowadays, therefore changing the subscriber data collection and service activation process to be contactless is crucial to go along with medical recommendations and telecom regulations at the same time.

Know-Your-Customer automation platform for telecommunication providers

GetID provides a simple, fast and secure way to onboard prepaid product users and eSIM profile subscribers by collecting and verifying personal data at a distance.

Online or in-App verification process is safe and allows instant services activation without the need to visit any POS and hand-out personal documents for manual verification.

  • Fulfil regulatory terms for data subscriber private data collection
  • Reduce data manipulation and ID fraud risks
  • Reach out to buyers with vending or e-commerce solutions without compromising security
  • AML compliance

    Regulatory compliance
    Stay compliant with local regulatory requirements.

  • Fraud

    Fraud Prevention
    Detect and prevent fraud like sim-swap. Ensure that your customers are who they say they are.

  • Customer Onboarding

    Online onboarding
    Automate the KYC/Identity Verification process for prepaid mobile subscribers.

  • Customer Onboarding

    Service personalization
    Personalize your service for prepaid subscribers.

  • Reduce Coasts

    Increased sign-up rates
    Increase your conversion rates by improving customer experience during customer onboarding.

Secure online subscriber identity verification with GetID

Telecom Scheme

Administrative Portal

Cloud-based software with full access to verification results. Easily navigate and control your KYC and onboarding process at one place.

  • Detailed view of verification results
  • Secure storage of customers’ personal data
  • Fully GDPR compliant
  • Real-time updates
  • Verifications’ status history
Administrative portal
Seamless integration example

Seamless integration with your business ecosystem

A range of set-up and integration options to fit your UI/UX:

  • Mobile identity verification

    Mobile SDKs
    Highly-customisable iOS and Android SDKs built on native tech stack for a seamless onboarding experience.

  • Web identity verification

    Web SDK
    Ready-made solutions for automated onboarding with fast set-up and easy configuration.

  • Cloud identity verification

    Cloud-based verification page
    Send a link to customers and get verification results instantly in your Admin Panel or via webhook.

  • API solutions

    API integration
    Integrate our KYC and customer verification solutions into your platform, collect data you need and get the results via API.

Are you ready to get started?