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All-in-one AML KYC Compliance Solution

Stay compliant with regulations, manage and mitigate compliance risks and streamline the customer onboarding process. A comprehensive and flexible solution that can be tailored to your needs.

All-in-one AML KYC

Identity Verification

Flexible and secure software that can be easily integrated into your workflow.

Verify user identities and documents in a matter of moments for quick customer account opening and risk mitigation. Save time and reduce operational costs.

Make front side photo

ID card Estonian

Make a selfie

Check circle
  • Document is checked
    Document Verification

    Verify and authenticate ID documents at scale in real time.

  • Automatization
    KYC and Onboarding automation

    Save time and money by automating the KYC/Identity Verification process.

  • Live phone
    Liveness Detection

    Add another level of security to prevent fraud. Liveness Detection ensures that the users are “live” by asking them to complete a task on camera (smiling, blinking or turning their head).

  • Two faces is matched
    Face Matching

    Verify a customer’s identity by comparing an ID document photo with a selfie-picture to make sure that they (both) belong to the same person.

AML KYC service

A comprehensive service that helps you manage the risks, carry out Customer Due Diligence and follow the best security standards.

  • Global Coverage
    900+ types of document types and 190+countries supported.

  • Compliance with regulatory requirements
    Stay compliant with global regulatory requirements (FATF, FINMA, FCA, CySEC, MAS, FSA)

  • AML Screening
    High-risk clients monitoring for customer due diligence.

  • Process automation
    Automate the process and reduce your compliance team workload.

AML Watchlists coverage

Protect your business and reputation using a risk-based approach. Check your customers' data globally against 11+ million screened profiles.

  • Sanctions Lists
    Identify people associated with criminal activity, national and global sanctions. Over 800 global lists (OFAC, HMT, FINRA, Interpol).

  • PEPs (Politically Exposed Persons)
    Continuously updated data on PEPs and their close associates. 1.6 million complete and detailed PEP profiles.

  • Adverse Media
    Get more information about your clients for better risk assessment and management. Billions of screened media articles with constantly updated data.

AML Watchlists Graph

Administrative Portal

Cloud-based software with full access to verification results. Easily navigate and control your KYC and onboarding process at one place.

  • Detailed view of verification results
  • Secure storage of customers’ personal data
  • Fully GDPR compliant
  • Real-time updates
  • Verifications’ status history
Software Example
Seamless integration example

Seamless integration with your business ecosystem

A range of set-up and integration options to fit your UI/UX:

  • Mobile identity verification

    Mobile SDKs
    Highly-customisable iOS and Android SDKs built on native tech stack for a seamless onboarding experience.

  • Web identity verification

    Web SDK
    Ready-made solutions for automated onboarding with fast set-up and easy configuration.

  • Cloud identity verification

    Cloud-based verification page
    Send a link to customers and get verification results instantly in your Admin Panel or via webhook.

  • API solutions

    API integration
    Integrate our KYC and customer verification solutions into your platform, collect data you need and get the results via API.

Are you ready to get started?